Independent Pharmacies of Australia
Supporting your independence
With the world and pharmacy industry changing rapidly, running a pharmacy is becoming more complex.
As a community pharmacist, we know independence is important to you. So we’re changing to make sure our commitment to you is clear.
We’re here to support your independence and we’re working to give you more options and solutions to improve the health of your community and achieve your vision.
Independence to us, means allowing you to make the right choice for you, your community, your team and your partners. And, we want to give you flexibility when your community needs and business needs change.
We’re here to face challenges with you and we’re committed to making pharmacy more rewarding.
Bigger network
There’s strength in numbers. As part of a growing network with over 1100 pharmacies, you can count on us to be your biggest supporter.
Better technology solutions
We know your time is valuable, and that’s why we provide intelligent technologies that help you spend more time on things that matter.
Stronger support for communities
We know that you are passionate about the health of your community, so we’re doing more to help through health programs, as well as retail and marketing support.
A healthier future together
We’re on a never-ending mission to maintain the health of your pharmacy, because the future’s brighter when we’re in it together.